The astronauts are constantly looking for new planets that can be populated. And a glimmer of hope came when a group of astronauts discover a planet. From initial research, it is very likely inhabited planet humans. Because he is like the earth.
Quoted from page Dailymail, the detected planets through a telescope from Earth, the rocky like the Like the world we live it. In addition, he is also orbiting the 'residential zone' with a suitable temperature for the presence of water on the surface. Surface temperature may be similar to Earth.
"The new planet is the best candidate to provide water, and perhaps life," said lead study, Guillem Anglada-Escude.
The planet was detected in the European Southern Observatory telescope has a weight of 4.5 times the Earth and orbits a star in the so-called GJ 667C with a distance 22 light years from Earth. In the context of the galaxy, he's our neighbor.
Excerpted from the pages of the Telegraph, the planet orbits the star with a period of 28.15 days, almost the same as the earth to the sun. The planet is named after GJ 667Cc.
"The planet is orbiting the three star system. But the other two so far. But, they will look pretty in the sky," said Steven Vogt, a professor of astronomy. Two other star is an orange dwarf star. There are three planets orbiting a nearby star.
In addition, this star has a different chemical composition of the sun with the content of element type of a larger weight than helium like iron, carbon, and silicon. The existence of this new planet, suggesting that our galaxy is filled with billions of rocky planets that have the potential for human inhabited.
"With the emergence of a new generation of instruments, scientists are enabled to examine the dwarf stars with planets and eventually find signs of life there," said Anglada-Escude.
GJ 667C is known to have a big planet nearby but never published. I was so close to the star, the planet's temperature is too hot for the alleged presence of water. The study has just begun to search for planetary orbital parameters of the so-called super Earth. He's orbit with a period of 75 days.
The research team then found a clear signal about the presence of other new planet.
Previously, the Kepler telescope finds more than one hundred and magnitude of Earth-sized planets. The discovery occurred in 2010 after Kepler scan the sky to discover the existence of planets orbiting stars.
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